söndag 17 maj 2015

Post #4 (last post)

This week I finished the book. I thought that the end was really exiting. I really wasn't expecting what happened.

Whats happened:
Last week the nazis came to Annemarie's uncles home to investigate. Luckily they got away with their plans (which still was hidden for the reader). It was not untill this week's reading, you got to find out why they all had a secret meeting together and what the planed to do next.

It turned out that the reason they all had met was because Henrik (Annemarie's uncle) would help them escape to Sweden with his fishing boat. Everything went as planned until a packaged got lost. Peter (Annemarie's dead sister, Lise's fiancé) gave Mr. Rosen a packaged that contained one of the most important things that would make the plan fulfilled. Without the conten the nazis would figure out what was going on.

The package contained a handkerchief. In the handkerchief, there was a drug that destroyed the soldiers dogs sense of smell. They had to use the drug on the dogs because they would of found the hidden people in the boats otherwise

Luckily Annemarie found the package in time and managed to get to the boat before the soldiers had examined it yet. Thanks to Annemarie they all came to Sweden safely.

My thoughts:
I think that this part of the book was really exciting because everything was at stake at the end. When I read the last part, I could hardly stop reading because it was so exciting. 

One thing I noticed when I read this week was how much responsibility Anemarie has to take. I also noticed that there are many times in the book when people are relying on her, which must be very heavy for Annemarie. An example of this is when she had to take the lost package to the boat on time and at the same time convince the soldiers that everything was normal

To have so much responsibility when you are so small is probably very difficult. If something goes wrong, many people's lives are at stake, and everything depends on her. If I would of had as much responsibility as a kid I would of lived in constant fear and never been able to relax. Annemarie must be very mature. I'm not sure I couldn't handle everything she has gone through even though I'm five years older.

My thoughts about the book:I liked Number the Stars very much. It was very exciting and I got a pretty clear insight into how it was in Denmark during World War II. I am also very glad that I live in Sweden who has it very simple in comparison with other countries.

I hope you liked all of my blog posts. // Ella

söndag 10 maj 2015

Post #3

This week I read to page 115. I found surprisingly that this part of the book was the most exciting thing I've read so far.

Whats happened:
In the three chapters I read this week Annemaries mother, Kristi, Ellen and Annemarie herself visited Annemaries uncle, Henrik who lived outside the town. Henrik lives there because he is a fisherman. Annemarie, who has always loved to visit her uncle feels that something is wrong this time and she is right.

Annemaries mother and Henrik were lying to the children, saying that a relative died. Annmarie sees, however through their lies and confronts her uncle. Her uncle is not, however, willing to tell the truth about why they lied because he believes it will hurt her. She learns that she has been right all along but she's still wondering what will happen.

My thoughts:
I liked this part of the book because it was very exiting and because what you read made you wonder what will happen next. It was like a cliffhanger. You also needed to think to understand the summery of it all instead of just taking in the information.

In the book Henrik tells her that they lied because it is easier for children to be strong in contexts of war if they don't know everything, and I agree with her uncle. It's not as easy, for example, to lie to the soldiers if you know that you are lying. If you are unaware it is easier and more compelling for the soldiers that everything is okay.

I feel at the same time that I recognize myself a bit in the situation that Annemarie is in but on another level. My dad does sometimes, not lie, but bend the truth. For example when he wants me to get more positive about something he can lie to make it sound more fun or when h
e knows that he going to get late he can make it sound like he's near by when he's not.

Both mom and dad lied however when they got divorced. They lied about why the got divorced. They were not exactly hinding someting form us but we didn't know about everyone and everything. Now that I'm older I know why, but just like in the book, I think they didn't want to hurt me and my brother because they thought we would be stronger and go through it easier if we didn't know the whole truth.

I think it's been fun to read this week and I hope it will be just as much fun next week. Hope you enjoyed the blog post and until next week I've written a new one. //Ella

måndag 4 maj 2015

Post #2

This week I've read to page 88 and I still like the book very much. Although I've only read a few pages it has happened allot.

Whats happened:
In the pages I've read this week the Nazis came to the Johansens (Annemaries family) to see if Ellens family were hiding in their apartment. Ellen who's relatively good at acting does still get a difficult time pretending when the soldiers are critically examining her different look comparison to the Johansens. Ellen has dark and curly hair when Annemarie and her younger sister Kristi have blond hair which makes the soldiers questioning if they are siblings or not.

Luckily Annemaries father finds a photograph of Lise (Annemaries older sister who died in a car accident) when she was smaller. Lise apparently had dark and curly hair as a baby. This photograph saved Ellen from getting taken by the Nazis and maybe getting send to a concentration camp. 

My thoughts:
I thought that this part of the book was very exiting. I almost couldn't stop reading. I really thought that Ellen would get caught which made it very dramatic. I also thought that the situation seemed very scary for the Johansens because Annemaries parents are responsible for Ellen while her parents can't be present. I don't know if the Johanses could forgive themselves if something happened to Ellen

One thing I noticed when I was reading this week was that the parents in the Johansen family were very open to talk about the war and the society with their kids. If Ellen or Annemarie were wondering something about the war it seemed like the parents weren't afraid to tell the truth to their children and it didn't seem to matter how tough the topic was. 

If I would have been in a situation like the parentes were I would have a hard time telling the children the truth because the war is a very scary and serious subject and the children in the book are very young which makes it even more difficult. 

At the same time, I think it is good that parents are open with their children. Then the children trust their parents and therefore avoid having to wonder what will happen to them.

I hope you liked my blog post. Until next week, I have read new pages and put out a new post. //Ella